TOS: Terms of Service

Welcome to "The Writers" Home" a social site dedicated to literature, writing and reading. The types of writing that can be found on here may be called "Traditional Writing" which can be found on any public (and some times private sites) dedicated to the traditional writing, books, short stories, poetry and the like. But may also fall into the category of "blogs" or even chatting which falls under the category of writing. This is after all a "social site" and friendship and making friends and sharing ideas is the reason behind this site.

You must be 18 years old to have a profile on here. There are a few simple "rules" that we ask all members to abide by.


TOS for Traditional Writers:

Be kind to one another and show respect to each other. You can request whoever you want but understand that not everyone is a good fit. *There may be both writers and readers on this site.

The site does allow layout designs. Most of the 1.0 layouts from the old My Space should work on this site. You do not have to though if you prefer a simpler layout or no layouts.

You can share samples of your writings in either your personal blog space, the stream or the bulletins. Bulletins will last longer as the stream may change often or very quickly.

If it is a published work, or you wish to retain sole ownership to your works please add a "copyright" and date.

All works are those of the writer and can not be re-published without the consent of the rightful owners.

Photographs: for Traditional Writers:

You can download photos. Keep in mind this is a public site. Pornographic images in your profile page default will be removed. Keep it clean folks and try to keep in mind this is a site dedicated to writing. It is suggested you download an avatar at least to make your profile unique.

Please keep the political and or religious comments off this site. Everyone has their own personal opinions about both subjects. Again this site is dedicated to writing. There are plenty of other social sites for political or religious opinions.

No hate speech please and no bullying of any kind is allowed on this site. This is a no hate zone. Keep it friendly. Please

If you have any questions feel free to ask the admin (or admins if there is more).

Things on this TOS may change as things come up. Mostly this is a common sense and common curtesy site. Be kind to one another.

No troll pages allowed. Violators will have their IP addresses ban.

Be kind to one another. Remember this is a site for writing and for having fun.

Have fun. Read. Write. Explore. If you like it here invite your friends.